josta van der kolk
Josta is an experienced coach, people and change manager in creative and innovative environments. She guides people and organisations through change and transition and knows how to get to the heart of things quick with feeling and understanding. She has a master's in communication & organization, has certifications in coaching (voice dialogue (master) and activation method coaching) and yoga & mindfulness. She is specialised in organizational, leadership and people development.
Thanks to her experience in a wide variety of sectors ranging from technology, telecom, professional & financial services, to retail, culture, and nonprofit, Josta has a quick understanding of the workings of an organisation and what needs to be done. She has a practical approach and helps close the gap between ambition and the day-to-day practice of an organisation.
Her colleagues and relations describe her as reliable and someone who gets things done. She is good at structuring and organising things, is driven, with an eye for the natural order of things, excellent social skills, and a good dose of humour. She is also an avid yoga & mindfulness practitioner and teacher and blends this into her approach when needed.
You can read a double interview with her and her client in Psychologie Magazine about self confidence (in Dutch).
Contact: josta@urbanbalance.nl - Linkedin
“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”